- 飞车人生George Eads,Thomas Price,Connor Price
- 乔治大间谍George Formby,Garry Marsh,Phyllis Calvert
- In the Shadow of 9/11Gayle King,George W. Bush,Anderson Cooper,Larry King,Dan Reed
- Bats: The AwakeningGeorgia Conlan,Amanda-Jade Tyler,Kate Sandison,Megan Purvis
- Lady UsherBillie D. Merritt,John Tupy,Theresa Santiago
- 油腔滑调Georg Stanford Brown,Gene Wilder,Richard Pryor
- 神秘人Charles Vanel,Paul Amiot,Georges Paulais,Henry Bonvallet,Jean Bara,Louise Lagrange,Louise Marquet,Jean Yonnel
- 发现约翰列侬约翰·列侬,小野洋子,辛西娅·列侬,Julian Lennon,肖恩·列侬,George Martin,May Pang
- 看不见的敌人Larry Brilliant,John Connor,Decontee Davis,Veronica Maria Dos Santos,Dr. George Gao
- 桥上的女孩 (1999)丹尼尔·奥特伊,凡妮莎·帕拉迪丝,Frédéric Pfluger,Demetre Georgalas,Catherine Lascault
- 迷失非洲Wolke Hegenbarth,斯坦芬·卢卡,Dirk Martens,Sello Motloung,Talia Kodesh,Nadia Kretschmer,Litha Bam,Luthuli Dlamini,Geoffrey Mbenge,Daniel Kobbina,Michael Dube,Michael Mabizela,Andrian Maziba