Trial & Retribution is a feature-length ITV police procedural television drama series that began in 1997. It was devised and written by Lynda La Plante as a follow-on from her successful television series Prime Suspect. Each episode of the Trial &随身游戏在异界 Retribution series was broadcast over two nights. In 2008, series 10 had ten episodes, the longest run of the drama. The last series...
Trial & Retribution is a feature-length ITV police procedural television drama series that began in 1997. It was devised and written by Lynda La Plante as a follow-on from her successful television series Prime Suspect. Each episode of the Trial &随身游戏在异界 Retribution series was broadcast over two nights. In 2008, series 10 had ten episodes, the longest run of the drama. The last series...
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